Today is International Women’s Day. It is a day to acknowledge
the power of being a woman. Women have come a long way from being viewed as
property and having no rights, but many countries are still fighting that
charge. The #metoo movement is about giving voice to sexual violence and harassment
to women and now the #time’sup movement is the solution-based, action-oriented
step to creating safety and equality for women. These movements are so powerful
because it gets people to join together in fighting travesties around us.
I wish to take this a step further and ask, is it okay to be
the woman you want to be? Do we allow ourselves as women to support one another
even when we are different? Are we
allowed to work or stay at home? Are we viewed as strong no matter what our
relationships look like? Do we as women judge each other the harshest. Does
equality need to extend among women to women?
We as women are hardest on ourselves. We never give ourselves credit for all the things we accomplish, instead we expect more. Often that expectation bleeds over to other women. How often do we judge one another because of choices that someone makes that are different from ours? Maybe someone’s life looks differently from ours and includes or excludes things that we don’t agree with. Can we as women agree that the battle is not with each other? Let us support each other and become allies in the fight for womanhood. Let us be and view all women as strong. Let us be intentional women.
To help us be strong women, I suggest 5 things to implement in your life:
1. Stop comparing or letting anyone define you.
Accept you for YOU. Everyone is on their own path of discovery and it is okay that they are all different. Don’t try to fit into a mold that someone else creates for you. You are a one of a kind gift.
2. Spend time with yourself.
It is not selfish to recharge yourself by taking a breather. Meditate, exercise, read a book, find a hobby or take a moment to just recharge. Do something just for you that makes you happy.
3. Understand your limits and be okay with saying “no”
“Yes” and “No” are powerful words that can often come with a lot of expectations. How often have you committed to something because you couldn’t say “no”? You allowed your guilt to have you say “yes.” When you say “no” to others, you are really saying “yes” to you. Say "Yes" to putting yourself and priorities first.
4. Connect with others
We need friends. Friends are on our side. They strengthen us, challenge us and give us a sense of identity and belonging. C.S. Lewis once said that “friendship is unnecessary. It has no survival value, but it’s one of those things that gives value to our survival.”
5. Let negativity go and express gratitude
Negativity becomes a habit and weighs us down. By letting go of the negativity we can free up so much more mental and emotional space to truly find the good. By expressing gratitude, we see the negativity melt away.
If you, or someone you know, would like some help in realizing your potential as a strong woman, contact Julie to set up an appointment today.